Huwebes, Enero 26, 2012

Save Earth

Earth is our home
So please don't make it look as old as the structures at Rome
It give us love
For us to survive.


But we answer was destruction
For the so called technological evolution
People on it should learn
How leaves and flowers are earn again


Not only by reducing waste
And studying Earth will not be the worst
Nature knows best
For us and t the other rest.


So now reduce the use of cellphone
Conserve energy to broke the stones
Our lives are now delicate
All we need is to pray and have FAITH.

Huwebes, Enero 5, 2012

Cries of Anguish

       Cries of anguish of survivors whose loved ones disappeared in the darkest of nights. Some are saying that what happened in Northern Mindanao was already aticipated many years ago. But no one seemed to listen, no one seemed to care until it came unexpectedly in the dead of night. Indeed typhoon Sendong is again teaching us a lesson very hard to learn on the stewardship of creation.
       Many said that "Sendong"was a replication of "Ondoy", "Pedring", "Milenyo" and "Ormoc Tragedy" and yes that's true. Until now many floating dead bodies surrounded the whole Cagayan de Oro and Iligan City.
      Muddy children can't play, they look like sardines inside a can when they lay and sleep at the cold floor of their evacuation center. The cry of the babies echoes all over the place.
      It was such a heavy tragedy that no one can be safe. Praise God for his deed to save some lucky people from the killer Sendong.
      At all this tragedy was caused by us. Us who was believed by God to protect his creation but we did is to destroy it and make it untidy. Sad to say but it's true that we broke our promise to be a steward of a beautiful creation. A creation that care for us when we're still babies but now look what happened, Cagayan de Oro and Iligan City was destroyed and killed. Many Filipinos died, our own blood suffer.
      Sendong was a killer it does not have mercy. We hate Sendong and we hope Cagayan de Oro and Iligan City will be fine soon for the children who wants to continue their studies to live more happily and to forget all the things brought by SENDONG :(

Lunes, Agosto 8, 2011

LCD Journal

July 25-31,2011

Group 2

"Revenge" this word was rarely describe my week. It's like a DVD Player that can make one thing  accelerate or fast forward. But because of that word I did my LCD Journal. I have done to help nature. this week the phrase "use your energy wisely" remain on my mind all the time . And I think I made it in reality. By lessen the use of computer and cellphone and for this week that's my LCD Journal.

LCD Journal

July 18-24,2011

Group 2

Wrinkles increase my blood become high. Angry was can be seen on my face.Tired become fire, happiness become mad. Beneath that emotions my love to nature never change. Even that I feel so angry this week because of that I pay all my attentions to clean our assigned areas even that I'm alone. I realized that I can do that kind of thing even that I'm alone and felt so angry. I also got so irritated when I saw some waste on the outside portion of our room where I clean. I picked that garbage up and put in the trashcan nearby. And because of my angry mood I did my Low Carbon Diet

LCD Journal

July 11-17,2011

Group 2

It's hot my sweat glands starts to react. I think this week I produce more than one pail of sweat. The temperature always play with 24-31 degrees. Sleepless nights occur because of the assignments my body starts to burn and melt. Monday July 11,2011 our class II-A starts the "no plastic day policy" we help reducing plastic on that day. In my own place I help conserving our nature by cleaning our backyard and disposing the waste I collect in the proper trashcan. And for this sunny week that's my LCD Journal.

Linggo, Agosto 7, 2011

LCD Journal

June 4-10,2011

Since that I'm aware to the things that are happening to our environment.I need to contribute to the healing of our environment by my little own ways. By the past days I avoid using plastics. I unplug the electronic devices when it is not in use. I dispose my waste properly and recycle the non-biodegradable trash. When it's raining it's also cold so there's no need for me to use electric fan. Being a II Special Science Class A, we have so many homeworks and responsibilities to be done. So instead of watching TV I spend my time to finish this tasks to earn good grades and knowledge and also to contribute to the wise use of energy. I also maintain the cleanliness of my surrounding in order to help our mother earth. I wish that the other students should also do this and give importance to the things around them especially to what nature gives to them or us.

Sabado, Agosto 6, 2011

LCD Journal

June 27-July 3,2011


Group 2

This week was a sunny week.Even it's sunny we need to conserve energy because climate change was occuring, global warming worsen. Forest fires may occur anytime. To help mother nature, I practiced proper waste disposal.I watered the plants. This week,some brownouts occured but it was not too long . I unplugged all my charger after using it. i recycled somethings that can be use. I turn off all the unnecessary lights before going to bed.When I'm in school I went to our assigned area and did my job on cleaning it. I picked up the scattered candy wrappers and that's my LCD journal.